When U.S. stock markets close for holidays


When U.S. stock markets close for holidays

Written by Vanko Bogdanovich, CNN It isn’t unusual for the U.S. stock market to close on important dates, sometimes for days straight. Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, is a common target for a…

In Romania, the truth about Roma people


In Romania, the truth about Roma people

Media reports and social media chatter about Roma People worldwide have often focussed on illegal behaviour and simple stereotypes of laziness, criminality and disorganisation, particularly in countries such as Romania. But researchers say that…

Europe faces healthcare crisis, survey finds


Europe faces healthcare crisis, survey finds

Written by Staff Writer at CNN There is a mass exodus of European doctors and nurses, caused by major budget cuts, mounting workloads and lack of satisfaction, according to a survey published Monday. About…

Ukraine-Belarus border dispute: How it started


Ukraine-Belarus border dispute: How it started

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Belarus is home to 30 million people and half of the country’s land mass is owned by Belarus President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine has asked the Belarus president…